F# Implementation of Scala ZIO


This is a prototype implementation of Scala ZIO in F#. It aims to be a skeleton of ZIO features such that additional functions can be easily fleshed out.


I recently went to a talk on Scala ZIO by John De Goes. ZIO is a type-safe, composable library for asynchronous and concurrent programming in Scala.

It takes a different approach to other Scala effects libraries in that it does not require the use of Higher-Kinded Types. Instead it uses a reader monad to provide access to IO effects (called ZIO Environment).

I came away wanting something similar in F#. A useful library that could be used in the outer IO layer to simplify and test IO dependency code. I started to play with some reader code but didn't think it would ultimately work out. In fact, it works really well.


\[IO = Reader + Async + Result\]

The F# equivalent of ZIO type aliases are UIO<'r,'a> which represents effects without errors, and IO<'r,'a,'e> which represents effects with a possible error. IO combines reader, async and result into one unified computation expression.

type UIO<'r,'a> = UIO of ('r * Cancel -> ('a option -> unit) -> unit)
type IO<'r,'a,'e> = IO of ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'a,'e> option -> unit) -> unit)


The reader part represents all the environment dependencies required in the computation expression. It is fully type-safe with types inferred including any library requirements such as Clock for the timeout. The computation expression can easily be tested by running with a test environment.


At the IO layer thread pool threads need to be used in the most efficient way without any blocking. This usually means Async in F# or async/await in C# need to be used. They both join threads without a thread pool thread having to wait.

    let race (UIO run1) (IO run2) : IO<'r,Choice<'a1,'a2>,'e1> =
        IO (fun env cont ->
            if Cancel.isSet env then cont None
                let envChild = Cancel.add env
                let mutable o = 0
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (fun _ ->
                    run1 envChild (fun a ->
                        if Interlocked.Exchange(&o,1) = 0 then
                            Cancel.set envChild
                            if Cancel.isSet env then cont None
                            else Option.map (Choice2Of2 >> Ok) a |> cont
                ) |> ignore
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (fun _ ->
                    run2 envChild (fun a ->
                        if Interlocked.Exchange(&o,1) = 0 then
                            Cancel.set envChild
                            if Cancel.isSet env then cont None
                            else Option.map (Result.map Choice1Of2) a |> cont
                ) |> ignore

With IO async is implemented directly using the thread pool. There are two main reasons for this. In IO exceptions are not part of control flow. Errors are first class and type-safe. Unrecoverable exceptions output the stack trace and exit the process. Cancellation is fully integrated into IO meaning in race, parallel and upon an error, computations are automatically cancelled, saving resources.

These with the final part dramatically simplify and optimise asynchronous IO code.


The result part of IO represents possible errors in an integrated and type-safe way. The error type is inferred, and different error types are auto lifted into Choice<'a,'b> when combined. IO computations can be timed out and retried based on result using simple functions. Schedule is a powerful construct that can be combined several ways. I've replicated the structure from ZIO but not fully explored its uses.

let programRetry noRetry =
    io {
        do! Logger.log "started"
        do! Console.writeLine "Please enter your name:"
        let! name = Console.readLine()
        do! Logger.log ("got name = " + name)
        let! thread =
            Persistence.persist name
            |> IO.timeout 1000
            |> IO.retry (Schedule.recurs noRetry)
            |> IO.fork
        do! Console.writeLine ("Hi "+name)
        do! thread
        do! Logger.log "finished"
        return 0


When type inference worked for the dependencies I was surprised. When it was also possible to make it work for the errors I was amazed.

Computation expressions do not compose well. At the IO layer a solution is needed for dependencies in a testable way. The IO layer also needs to efficiently use the thread pool. Making errors type-safe and integrated in the IO logic completes this compelling trinity.


ZIO Overview
ZIO Data Types
The Death Of Final Tagless


@jdegoes for ZIO and a great talk that made me want to do this.
@NinoFloris for useful async discussions.
@keithtpinson for the error auto lift idea.

Multiple items
module Result

from Microsoft.FSharp.Core

type Result<'T,'TError> =
  | Ok of ResultValue: 'T
  | Error of ErrorValue: 'TError
union case Result.Ok: 'a -> Result<'a,'e>
union case Result.Error: 'e -> Result<'a,'e>
Multiple items
module Result

from Microsoft.FSharp.Core

type Result<'a,'e> =
  | Ok of 'a
  | Error of 'e
val map : f:('a -> 'b) -> Result<'a,'e> -> Result<'b,'e>
val f : ('a -> 'b)
val failwith : message:string -> 'T
val mapError : f:('e -> 'f) -> Result<'a,'e> -> Result<'a,'f>
val f : ('e -> 'f)
Multiple items
union case Time.Time: Time

type Time = | Time
val now : unit -> Time
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type Choice<'T1,'T2> =
  | Choice1Of2 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of2 of 'T2

type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3> =
  | Choice1Of3 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of3 of 'T2
  | Choice3Of3 of 'T3

type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4> =
  | Choice1Of4 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of4 of 'T2
  | Choice3Of4 of 'T3
  | Choice4Of4 of 'T4

type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5> =
  | Choice1Of5 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of5 of 'T2
  | Choice3Of5 of 'T3
  | Choice4Of5 of 'T4
  | Choice5Of5 of 'T5

type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6> =
  | Choice1Of6 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of6 of 'T2
  | Choice3Of6 of 'T3
  | Choice4Of6 of 'T4
  | Choice5Of6 of 'T5
  | Choice6Of6 of 'T6

type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7> =
  | Choice1Of7 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of7 of 'T2
  | Choice3Of7 of 'T3
  | Choice4Of7 of 'T4
  | Choice5Of7 of 'T5
  | Choice6Of7 of 'T6
  | Choice7Of7 of 'T7
val merge : c:Choice<'a,'a> -> 'a
val c : Choice<'a,'a>
union case Choice.Choice1Of2: 'T1 -> Choice<'T1,'T2>
val a : 'a
union case Choice.Choice2Of2: 'T2 -> Choice<'T1,'T2>
namespace System
namespace System.Threading
Multiple items
union case Cancel.Cancel: bool ref * children: Cancel list ref -> Cancel

type Cancel = private | Cancel of bool ref * children: Cancel list ref
type bool = System.Boolean
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val ref : value:'T -> 'T ref

type 'T ref = Ref<'T>
type 'T list = List<'T>
val internal isSet : 'r * Cancel -> bool
val i : bool ref
val internal create : unit -> Cancel
val internal add : r:'r * Cancel -> 'r * Cancel
val r : 'r
val c : Cancel list ref
val i : Cancel
val internal set : r:'a * Cancel -> unit
val r : 'a
val me : bool ref
val kids : Cancel list ref
Multiple items
module List

from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type List<'T> =
  | ( [] )
  | ( :: ) of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list
    interface IReadOnlyList<'T>
    interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T>
    interface IEnumerable
    interface IEnumerable<'T>
    member GetSlice : startIndex:int option * endIndex:int option -> 'T list
    member Head : 'T
    member IsEmpty : bool
    member Item : index:int -> 'T with get
    member Length : int
    member Tail : 'T list
val iter : action:('T -> unit) -> list:'T list -> unit
Multiple items
union case UIO.UIO: ('r * Cancel -> ('a option -> unit) -> unit) -> UIO<'r,'a>

type UIO<'r,'a> =
  | UIO of ('r * Cancel -> ('a option -> unit) -> unit)
    member Bind : f:('a -> UIO<'r,'b>) -> UIO<'r,'b>
    member Bind : f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
Multiple items
union case Cancel.Cancel: bool ref * children: Cancel list ref -> Cancel

module Cancel

from 2019-03-29-io

type Cancel = private | Cancel of bool ref * children: Cancel list ref
type 'T option = Option<'T>
type unit = Unit
val m : UIO<'r,'a>
val f : ('a -> UIO<'r,'b>)
val run : ('r * Cancel -> ('a option -> unit) -> unit)
val env : 'r * Cancel
val cont : ('b option -> unit)
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
val o : 'a option
module Option

from Microsoft.FSharp.Core
val map : mapping:('T -> 'U) -> option:'T option -> 'U option
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
val run : ('r * Cancel -> ('b option -> unit) -> unit)
val result : a:'a -> UIO<'r,'a>
val cont : ('a option -> unit)
val effect : f:('r -> 'a) -> UIO<'r,'a>
val f : ('r -> 'a)
val fst : tuple:('T1 * 'T2) -> 'T1
val map : f:('a -> 'b) -> UIO<'r,'a> -> UIO<'r,'b>
val b : 'b
val delay : milliseconds:int -> UIO<'r,unit>
val milliseconds : int
val cont : (unit option -> unit)
val mutable t : Timer
module Unchecked

from Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators
val defaultof<'T> : 'T
Multiple items
type Timer =
  inherit MarshalByRefObject
  new : callback:TimerCallback -> Timer + 4 overloads
  member Change : dueTime:int * period:int -> bool + 3 overloads
  member Dispose : unit -> unit + 1 overload

Timer(callback: TimerCallback) : Timer
Timer(callback: TimerCallback, state: obj, dueTime: int, period: int) : Timer
Timer(callback: TimerCallback, state: obj, dueTime: System.TimeSpan, period: System.TimeSpan) : Timer
Timer(callback: TimerCallback, state: obj, dueTime: uint32, period: uint32) : Timer
Timer(callback: TimerCallback, state: obj, dueTime: int64, period: int64) : Timer
Timer.Dispose() : unit
Timer.Dispose(notifyObject: WaitHandle) : bool
type Timeout =
  static val InfiniteTimeSpan : TimeSpan
  static val Infinite : int
field Timeout.Infinite: int = -1
val flatten : f:('r -> UIO<'r,'a>) -> UIO<'r,'a>
val f : ('r -> UIO<'r,'a>)
val t : 'a option
val toAsync : env:'r -> UIO<'r,'a> -> Async<'a>
val env : 'r
Multiple items
type Async =
  static member AsBeginEnd : computation:('Arg -> Async<'T>) -> ('Arg * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * (IAsyncResult -> 'T) * (IAsyncResult -> unit)
  static member AwaitEvent : event:IEvent<'Del,'T> * ?cancelAction:(unit -> unit) -> Async<'T> (requires delegate and 'Del :> Delegate)
  static member AwaitIAsyncResult : iar:IAsyncResult * ?millisecondsTimeout:int -> Async<bool>
  static member AwaitTask : task:Task -> Async<unit>
  static member AwaitTask : task:Task<'T> -> Async<'T>
  static member AwaitWaitHandle : waitHandle:WaitHandle * ?millisecondsTimeout:int -> Async<bool>
  static member CancelDefaultToken : unit -> unit
  static member Catch : computation:Async<'T> -> Async<Choice<'T,exn>>
  static member Choice : computations:seq<Async<'T option>> -> Async<'T option>
  static member FromBeginEnd : beginAction:(AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * endAction:(IAsyncResult -> 'T) * ?cancelAction:(unit -> unit) -> Async<'T>

type Async<'T> =
static member Async.FromContinuations : callback:(('T -> unit) * (exn -> unit) * (System.OperationCanceledException -> unit) -> unit) -> Async<'T>
val cont : ('a -> unit)
property Option.Value: 'a
val fork : UIO<'r,'a> -> UIO<'r,UIO<'r,'a>>
val contFork : (UIO<'r,'a> option -> unit)
val mutable o : obj
type ThreadPool =
  static member BindHandle : osHandle:nativeint -> bool + 1 overload
  static member GetAvailableThreads : workerThreads:int * completionPortThreads:int -> unit
  static member GetMaxThreads : workerThreads:int * completionPortThreads:int -> unit
  static member GetMinThreads : workerThreads:int * completionPortThreads:int -> unit
  static member QueueUserWorkItem : callBack:WaitCallback -> bool + 1 overload
  static member RegisterWaitForSingleObject : waitObject:WaitHandle * callBack:WaitOrTimerCallback * state:obj * millisecondsTimeOutInterval:uint32 * executeOnlyOnce:bool -> RegisteredWaitHandle + 3 overloads
  static member SetMaxThreads : workerThreads:int * completionPortThreads:int -> bool
  static member SetMinThreads : workerThreads:int * completionPortThreads:int -> bool
  static member UnsafeQueueNativeOverlapped : overlapped:NativeOverlapped -> bool
  static member UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem : callBack:WaitCallback * state:obj -> bool
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(callBack: WaitCallback) : bool
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(callBack: WaitCallback, state: obj) : bool
val a : 'a option
val o : obj
type Interlocked =
  static member Add : location1:int * value:int -> int + 1 overload
  static member CompareExchange : location1:int * value:int * comparand:int -> int + 6 overloads
  static member Decrement : location:int -> int + 1 overload
  static member Exchange : location1:int * value:int -> int + 6 overloads
  static member Increment : location:int -> int + 1 overload
  static member MemoryBarrier : unit -> unit
  static member Read : location:int64 -> int64
Interlocked.CompareExchange<'T (requires reference type)>(location1: byref<'T>, value: 'T, comparand: 'T) : 'T
Interlocked.CompareExchange(location1: byref<nativeint>, value: nativeint, comparand: nativeint) : nativeint
Interlocked.CompareExchange(location1: byref<obj>, value: obj, comparand: obj) : obj
Interlocked.CompareExchange(location1: byref<float>, value: float, comparand: float) : float
Interlocked.CompareExchange(location1: byref<float32>, value: float32, comparand: float32) : float32
Interlocked.CompareExchange(location1: byref<int64>, value: int64, comparand: int64) : int64
Interlocked.CompareExchange(location1: byref<int>, value: int, comparand: int) : int
val isNull : value:'T -> bool (requires 'T : null)
val not : value:bool -> bool
val cont : (Option<'a> -> unit)
val ignore : value:'T -> unit
type ClockService =
    abstract member Sleep : int -> UIO<'r,unit>
    abstract member Time : unit -> UIO<'r,Time>
Multiple items
module Time

from 2019-03-29-io

type Time = | Time
Multiple items
union case UIO.UIO: ('r * Cancel -> ('a option -> unit) -> unit) -> UIO<'r,'a>

module UIO

from 2019-03-29-io

type UIO<'r,'a> =
  | UIO of ('r * Cancel -> ('a option -> unit) -> unit)
    member Bind : f:('a -> UIO<'r,'b>) -> UIO<'r,'b>
    member Bind : f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
Multiple items
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
type Clock =
    abstract member Clock : ClockService
val time : unit -> UIO<#Clock,Time>
val c : #Clock
property Clock.Clock: ClockService
abstract member ClockService.Time : unit -> UIO<'r,Time>
val sleep : milliseconds:int -> UIO<#Clock,unit>
abstract member ClockService.Sleep : int -> UIO<'r,unit>
val liveService : ClockService
Multiple items
union case Time.Time: Time

module Time

from 2019-03-29-io

type Time = | Time
val __ : ClockService
Multiple items
union case Decision.Decision: cont: bool * delay: int * state: 'a * (unit -> 'b) -> Decision<'a,'b>

type Decision<'a,'b> = | Decision of cont: bool * delay: int * state: 'a * (unit -> 'b)
Multiple items
union case Schedule.Schedule: initial: UIO<'r,'s> * update: 'a * 's -> UIO<'r,Decision<'s,'b>> -> Schedule<'r,'s,'a,'b>

type Schedule<'r,'s,'a,'b> = private | Schedule of initial: UIO<'r,'s> * update: 'a * 's -> UIO<'r,Decision<'s,'b>>
val forever<'r,'a> : Schedule<'r,int,'a,int>
val s : int
val private updated : update:(('a * 's -> UIO<'r,Decision<'s,'b>>) -> 'a * 's -> UIO<'r,Decision<'s,'b2>>) -> Schedule<'r,'s,'a,'b> -> Schedule<'r,'s,'a,'b2>
val update : (('a * 's -> UIO<'r,Decision<'s,'b>>) -> 'a * 's -> UIO<'r,Decision<'s,'b2>>)
val i : UIO<'r,'s>
val u : ('a * 's -> UIO<'r,Decision<'s,'b>>)
val private check : test:('a * 'b -> UIO<'r,bool>) -> m:Schedule<'r,'a0,'a,'b> -> Schedule<'r,'a0,'a,'b>
val test : ('a * 'b -> UIO<'r,bool>)
val m : Schedule<'r,'a,'a0,'b>
val update : ('a * 'a0 -> UIO<'r,Decision<'a0,'b>>)
val s : 'a
val cont : bool
val dur : int
val a1 : 'a
val fb : (unit -> 'b)
val d : Decision<'a,'b>
val b : bool
val whileOutput : f:('b -> bool) -> m:Schedule<'a,'b0,'c,'b> -> Schedule<'a,'b0,'c,'b>
val f : ('b -> bool)
val m : Schedule<'a,'b,'c,'b0>
val recurs : n:int -> Schedule<'a,int,'b,int>
val n : int
val i : int
Multiple items
union case IO.IO: ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'a,'e> option -> unit) -> unit) -> IO<'r,'a,'e>

type IO<'r,'a,'e> =
  | IO of ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'a,'e> option -> unit) -> unit)
    member Bind : f:('a -> UIO<'r,'b>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
    member Bind : f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
    member Bind : f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>) -> IO<'r,'b,Choice<'e,'e2>>
Multiple items
module Result

from 2019-03-29-io

module Result

from Microsoft.FSharp.Core

type Result<'a,'e> =
  | Ok of 'a
  | Error of 'e
val m : IO<'r,'a,'e>
val run : ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'a,'e> option -> unit) -> unit)
val cont : (Result<'b,'e> option -> unit)
val o : Result<'a,'e> option
val o : 'b option
val e : 'e
val f : ('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e>)
val run : ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'b,'e> option -> unit) -> unit)
val f : ('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>)
Multiple items
module Choice

from 2019-03-29-io

type Choice<'T1,'T2> =
  | Choice1Of2 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of2 of 'T2

type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3> =
  | Choice1Of3 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of3 of 'T2
  | Choice3Of3 of 'T3

type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4> =
  | Choice1Of4 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of4 of 'T2
  | Choice3Of4 of 'T3
  | Choice4Of4 of 'T4

type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5> =
  | Choice1Of5 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of5 of 'T2
  | Choice3Of5 of 'T3
  | Choice4Of5 of 'T4
  | Choice5Of5 of 'T5

type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6> =
  | Choice1Of6 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of6 of 'T2
  | Choice3Of6 of 'T3
  | Choice4Of6 of 'T4
  | Choice5Of6 of 'T5
  | Choice6Of6 of 'T6

type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7> =
  | Choice1Of7 of 'T1
  | Choice2Of7 of 'T2
  | Choice3Of7 of 'T3
  | Choice4Of7 of 'T4
  | Choice5Of7 of 'T5
  | Choice6Of7 of 'T6
  | Choice7Of7 of 'T7
val cont : (Result<'b,Choice<'e,'e2>> option -> unit)
val bind : ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'b,'e2> option -> unit) -> unit)
val o : Result<'b,'e2> option
val b : Result<'b,Choice<'e,'e2>> option
Multiple items
val mapError : f:('e -> 'f) -> Result<'a,'e> -> Result<'a,'f>

val mapError : mapping:('TError -> 'U) -> result:Result<'T,'TError> -> Result<'T,'U>
val bind : ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'b,'e> option -> unit) -> unit)
val ok : a:'a -> IO<'r,'a,'e>
val cont : (Result<'a,'e> option -> unit)
val error : e:'e -> IO<'r,'a,'e>
val result : a:Result<'a,'e> -> IO<'r,'a,'e>
val a : Result<'a,'e>
val effect : f:('r -> Result<'a,'e>) -> IO<'r,'a,'e>
val f : ('r -> Result<'a,'e>)
val map : f:('a -> 'b) -> IO<'r,'a,'e> -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
val b : Result<'b,'e> option
Multiple items
val map : f:('a -> 'b) -> Result<'a,'e> -> Result<'b,'e>

val map : mapping:('T -> 'U) -> result:Result<'T,'TError> -> Result<'U,'TError>
val mapError : f:('e -> 'e2) -> IO<'r,'a,'e> -> IO<'r,'a,'e2>
val f : ('e -> 'e2)
val cont : (Result<'a,'e2> option -> unit)
val b : Result<'a,'e2> option
val mapResult : f:(Result<'a,'e> -> Result<'b,'e2>) -> IO<'r,'a,'e> -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>
val f : (Result<'a,'e> -> Result<'b,'e2>)
val cont : (Result<'b,'e2> option -> unit)
val b : Result<'b,'e2> option
val private foldM : succ:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>) -> err:('e -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>) -> IO<'r,'a,'e> -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>
val succ : ('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>)
val err : ('e -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>)
val run : ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'b,'e2> option -> unit) -> unit)
val private retryOrElse : Schedule<'r,'s,'e,'a> -> orElse:('e * 's -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>) -> io:IO<'r,'a0,'e> -> IO<'r,Choice<'a0,'b>,'e2> (requires 'r :> Clock)
Multiple items
union case Schedule.Schedule: initial: UIO<'r,'s> * update: 'a * 's -> UIO<'r,Decision<'s,'b>> -> Schedule<'r,'s,'a,'b>

module Schedule

from 2019-03-29-io

type Schedule<'r,'s,'a,'b> = private | Schedule of initial: UIO<'r,'s> * update: 'a * 's -> UIO<'r,Decision<'s,'b>>
val initial : UIO<#Clock,'s>
val update : ('e * 's -> UIO<#Clock,Decision<'s,'a>>)
val orElse : ('e * 's -> IO<#Clock,'b,'e2>)
val io : IO<#Clock,'a,'e>
val loop : ('s -> IO<#Clock,Choice<'a,'b>,'e2>)
val state : 's
val u : UIO<#Clock,Decision<'s,'a>>
member UIO.Bind : f:('a -> UIO<'r,'b>) -> UIO<'r,'b>
member UIO.Bind : f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
val delay : int
Multiple items
module Clock

from 2019-03-29-io

type Clock =
    abstract member Clock : ClockService
val retry : policy:Schedule<'r,'s,'e,'sb> -> io:IO<'r,'a,'e> -> IO<'r,'a,'e> (requires 'r :> Clock)
val policy : Schedule<#Clock,'s,'e,'sb>
val fork : IO<'r,'a,'e> -> UIO<'r,IO<'r,'a,'e>>
val contFork : (IO<'r,'a,'e> option -> unit)
val a : Result<'a,'e> option
val para : ios:IO<'r,'a,'e> [] -> IO<'r,'a [],'e>
val ios : IO<'r,'a,'e> []
val cont : (Result<'a [],'e> option -> unit)
val envChild : 'r * Cancel
val results : 'a []
module Array

from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val zeroCreate : count:int -> 'T []
property System.Array.Length: int
val mutable count : int
val iteri : action:(int -> 'T -> unit) -> array:'T [] -> unit
val io : IO<'r,'a,'e>
Interlocked.Decrement(location: byref<int64>) : int64
Interlocked.Decrement(location: byref<int>) : int
Interlocked.Exchange<'T (requires reference type)>(location1: byref<'T>, value: 'T) : 'T
Interlocked.Exchange(location1: byref<nativeint>, value: nativeint) : nativeint
Interlocked.Exchange(location1: byref<obj>, value: obj) : obj
Interlocked.Exchange(location1: byref<float>, value: float) : float
Interlocked.Exchange(location1: byref<float32>, value: float32) : float32
Interlocked.Exchange(location1: byref<int64>, value: int64) : int64
Interlocked.Exchange(location1: byref<int>, value: int) : int
val race : UIO<'r,'a2> -> IO<'r,'a1,'e1> -> IO<'r,Choice<'a1,'a2>,'e1>
val run1 : ('r * Cancel -> ('a2 option -> unit) -> unit)
val run2 : ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'a1,'e1> option -> unit) -> unit)
val cont : (Result<Choice<'a1,'a2>,'e1> option -> unit)
val mutable o : int
val a : 'a2 option
val a : Result<'a1,'e1> option
val timeout : milliseconds:int -> io:IO<'r,'a,'e> -> IO<'r,'a,'e option> (requires 'r :> Clock)
val env : #Clock * Cancel
val cont : (Result<'a,'e option> option -> unit)
val run : (#Clock * Cancel -> (Result<Choice<'a,unit>,'e> option -> unit) -> unit)
val o : Result<Choice<'a,unit>,'e> option
val toAsync : env:'r -> IO<'r,'a,'e> -> Async<Result<'a,'e>>
val cont : (Result<'a,'e> -> unit)
property Option.Value: Result<'a,'e>
Multiple items
type IOBuilder =
  new : unit -> IOBuilder
  member Bind : io:UIO<'r,'a> * f:('a -> UIO<'r,'b>) -> UIO<'r,'b>
  member Bind : io:IO<'r,'a,'e> * f:('a -> UIO<'r,'b>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
  member Bind : io:UIO<'r,'a> * f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
  member Bind : io:IO<'r,'a,'e> * f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
  member Bind : io:IO<'r,'a,'e1> * f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>) -> IO<'r,'b,Choice<'e1,'e2>>
  member Return : value:'b -> UIO<'c,'b>
  member ReturnFrom : value:'a -> 'a

new : unit -> IOBuilder
val io : UIO<'r,'a>
val __ : IOBuilder
Multiple items
union case IO.IO: ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'a,'e> option -> unit) -> unit) -> IO<'r,'a,'e>

module IO

from 2019-03-29-io

type IO<'r,'a,'e> =
  | IO of ('r * Cancel -> (Result<'a,'e> option -> unit) -> unit)
    member Bind : f:('a -> UIO<'r,'b>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
    member Bind : f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
    member Bind : f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>) -> IO<'r,'b,Choice<'e,'e2>>
member IO.Bind : f:('a -> UIO<'r,'b>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
member IO.Bind : f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e>) -> IO<'r,'b,'e>
member IO.Bind : f:('a -> IO<'r,'b,'e2>) -> IO<'r,'b,Choice<'e,'e2>>
val io : IO<'r,'a,'e1>
val value : 'b
val value : 'a
Multiple items
type AutoOpenAttribute =
  inherit Attribute
  new : unit -> AutoOpenAttribute
  new : path:string -> AutoOpenAttribute
  member Path : string

new : unit -> AutoOpenAttribute
new : path:string -> AutoOpenAttribute
val io : IOBuilder
Multiple items
union case ConsoleError.ConsoleError: ConsoleError

type ConsoleError = | ConsoleError
type ConsoleService =
    abstract member ReadLine : unit -> Result<string,ConsoleError>
    abstract member WriteLine : string -> unit
Multiple items
val string : value:'T -> string

type string = System.String
type Console =
    abstract member Console : ConsoleService
val writeLine : s:string -> UIO<#Console,unit>
val s : string
val c : #Console
property Console.Console: ConsoleService
abstract member ConsoleService.WriteLine : string -> unit
val readLine : unit -> IO<#Console,string,ConsoleError>
abstract member ConsoleService.ReadLine : unit -> Result<string,ConsoleError>
type LoggingService =
    abstract member Log : string -> unit
type Logger =
    abstract member Logging : LoggingService
val log : s:string -> UIO<#Logger,unit>
val l : #Logger
property Logger.Logging: LoggingService
abstract member LoggingService.Log : string -> unit
Multiple items
union case PersistError.PersistError: PersistError

type PersistError = | PersistError
type PersistenceService =
    abstract member Persist : 'a -> Result<unit,PersistError>
type Persistence =
    abstract member Persistence : PersistenceService
val persist : a:'a -> IO<#Persistence,unit,PersistError>
val p : #Persistence
property Persistence.Persistence: PersistenceService
abstract member PersistenceService.Persist : 'a -> Result<unit,PersistError>
val programRetry : noRetry:int -> IO<'r,int,Choice<ConsoleError,PersistError option>> (requires 'r :> Logger and 'r :> Clock and 'r :> Persistence and 'r :> Console)
val noRetry : int
Multiple items
module Logger

from 2019-03-29-io

type Logger =
    abstract member Logging : LoggingService
Multiple items
module Console

from 2019-03-29-io

type Console =
    abstract member Console : ConsoleService
val name : string
val thread : IO<'r,unit,PersistError option> (requires 'r :> Logger and 'r :> Clock and 'r :> Persistence and 'r :> Console)
Multiple items
module Persistence

from 2019-03-29-io

type Persistence =
    abstract member Persistence : PersistenceService