F# Implementation of The Elm Architecture
20 Jun 2016This is a prototype implementation of The Elm Architecture in F#. This post covers the UI implementation and a follow up post covers using it with WPF and Xamarin.
The Elm Architecture is a simple pattern for creating functional UIs. Due to its modularity and composability it makes UI code easier to write, understand, test and reuse.
The UI implementation is a complete representation of the native UI. A minimal list of UI updates is calculated from the current and future UI. This is then used to update the native UI with as little interaction as possible. This means the native UI renders faster and is more responsive. It also means multiple native UI platforms can be targeted with the same application code.
UI types
UI events are implemented using simple functions that are mapped and combined up to the top level message event.
At the primitive UI component level events are implemented using a double ref
This is so the native UI events only have to be hooked up once.
The events can be redirected quickly as the UI changes without the potential memory leak that arises from a single ref
/// Message event used on the primitive UI components.
type 'msg Event = ('msg->unit) ref ref
/// Layout for a section of UI components.
type Layout = Horizontal | Vertical
/// Primitive UI components.
type UI =
| Text of string
| Input of string * string Event
| Button of string * unit Event
| Div of Layout * UI list
/// UI component update and event redirection.
type UIUpdate =
| InsertUI of int list * UI
| UpdateUI of int list * UI
| ReplaceUI of int list * UI
| RemoveUI of int list
| EventUI of (unit->unit)
/// UI component including a message event.
type 'msg UI = {UI:UI;mutable Event:'msg->unit}
/// UI application.
type App<'msg,'model> =
View:'model->'msg UI
/// Native UI interface.
type INativeUI =
abstract member Send : UIUpdate list -> unit
UI module
The UI rendering can be made even faster by using the memoize function in larger views. This stores a weak reference to a model and its view output. It makes the view and diff functions quicker and can remove unnecessary UI updates.
module UI =
/// Memoize view generation from model object references.
let memoize<'model ,'msg when 'model : not struct and 'msg : not struct> =
let d = ConditionalWeakTable<'model,'msg UI>()
fun view model ->
match d.TryGetValue model with
|true,ui -> ui
|false,_ ->
let ui = view model
/// Returns a Text display UI component.
let text text = {UI=Text text;Event=ignore}
/// Returns a text Input UI component.
let input text =
let ev = ref ignore |> ref
let ui = {UI=Input(text,ev);Event=ignore}
let raise a = ui.Event a
/// Returns a Button UI component.
let button text msg =
let ev = ref ignore |> ref
let ui = {UI=Button(text,ev);Event=ignore}
(!ev):=fun () -> ui.Event msg
/// Returns a section of UI components given a layout.
/// The name div comes from HTML and represents a division (or section) of the UI.
let div layout list =
let ui = {UI=Div(layout,List.map (fun ui -> ui.UI) list);Event=ignore}
let raise a = ui.Event a
List.iter (fun i -> i.Event<-raise) list
/// Returns a new UI component mapping the message event using the given function.
let rec map f ui =
let ui2 = {UI=ui.UI;Event=ignore}
let raise e = f e |> ui2.Event
/// Returns a list of UI updates from two UI components.
let diff ui1 ui2 =
let inline update e1 e2 = fun () -> let ev = !e1 in ev:=!(!e2); e2:=ev
let rec diff ui1 ui2 path index diffs =
match ui1,ui2 with
|_ when LanguagePrimitives.PhysicalEquality ui1 ui2 -> diffs
|Text t1,Text t2 -> if t1=t2 then diffs else UpdateUI(path,ui2)::diffs
|Button (t1,e1),Button (t2,e2) ->
if t1=t2 then EventUI(update e1 e2)::diffs
else EventUI(update e1 e2)::UpdateUI(path,ui2)::diffs
|Input (t1,e1),Input (t2,e2) ->
if t1=t2 then EventUI(update e1 e2)::diffs
else EventUI(update e1 e2)::UpdateUI(path,ui2)::diffs
|Button _,Button _ |Input _,Input _ -> UpdateUI(path,ui2)::diffs
|Div (l1,_),Div (l2,_) when l1<>l2 -> ReplaceUI(path,ui2)::diffs
|Div (_,[]),Div (_,[]) -> diffs
|Div (_,[]),Div (_,l) ->
List.fold (fun (i,diffs) ui->i+1,InsertUI(i::path,ui)::diffs)
(index,diffs) l |> snd
|Div (_,l),Div (_,[]) ->
List.fold (fun (i,diffs) _ -> i+1,RemoveUI(i::path)::diffs)
(index,diffs) l |> snd
|Div (l,(h1::t1)),Div (_,(h2::t2))
when LanguagePrimitives.PhysicalEquality h1 h2 ->
diff (Div(l,t1)) (Div(l,t2)) path (index+1) diffs
|Div (l,(h1::t1)),Div (_,(h2::h3::t2))
when LanguagePrimitives.PhysicalEquality h1 h3 ->
diff (Div(l,t1)) (Div(l,t2)) path (index+1)
|Div (l,(_::h2::t1)),Div (_,(h3::t2))
when LanguagePrimitives.PhysicalEquality h2 h3 ->
diff (Div(l,t1)) (Div(l,t2)) path (index+1)
|Div (l,(h1::t1)),Div (_,(h2::t2)) ->
diff h1 h2 (index::path) 0 diffs
|> diff (Div(l,t1)) (Div(l,t2)) path (index+1)
|_ -> ReplaceUI(path,ui2)::diffs
diff ui1.UI ui2.UI [] 0 []
/// Returns a UI application from a UI model, update and view.
let app model update view = {Model=model;Update=update;View=view}
/// Runs a UI application given a native UI.
let run (nativeUI:INativeUI) app =
let rec handle model ui msg =
let newModel = app.Update msg model
let newUI = app.View newModel
newUI.Event<-handle newModel newUI
let diff = diff ui newUI
List.iter (function |EventUI f -> f() |_-> ()) diff
nativeUI.Send diff
let ui = app.View app.Model
ui.Event<-handle app.Model ui
nativeUI.Send [InsertUI([],ui.UI)]
Example UI applications
The UI application pattern has four main parts:
- Model - the state of the application.
- Msg - an update message.
- Update - a function that updates the state.
- View - a function that views state as a UI.
module Counter =
type Model = int
let init i : Model = i
type Msg = Increment | Decrement
let update msg model =
match msg with
| Increment -> model+1
| Decrement -> model-1
let view model =
UI.div Horizontal [
UI.button "+" Increment
UI.button "-" Decrement
UI.text (string model)
let app i =
UI.app (init i) update view
module CounterPair =
type Model = {Top:Counter.Model;Bottom:Counter.Model}
let init top bottom =
{Top=Counter.init top;Bottom=Counter.init bottom}
type Msg =
| Reset
| Top of Counter.Msg
| Bottom of Counter.Msg
let update msg model =
match msg with
| Reset -> init 0 0
| Top msg -> {model with Top=Counter.update msg model.Top}
| Bottom msg -> {model with Bottom=Counter.update msg model.Bottom}
let view model =
UI.div Vertical [
Counter.view model.Top |> UI.map Top
Counter.view model.Bottom |> UI.map Bottom
let app top bottom =
UI.app (init top bottom) update view
module CounterList =
type Model = {Counters:Counter.Model list}
let init = {Counters=[]}
type Msg =
| Insert
| Remove
| Modify of int * Counter.Msg
let update msg model =
match msg with
| Insert -> {model with Counters=Counter.init 0::model.Counters}
| Remove -> {model with Counters=List.tail model.Counters}
| Modify (i,msg) ->
{model with Counters=List.mapAt i (Counter.update msg) model.Counters}
let view model =
UI.button "Add" Insert ::
UI.button "Remove" Remove ::
List.mapi (fun i c -> Counter.view c |> UI.map (fun v -> Modify(i,v)))
|> UI.div Vertical
let app =
UI.app init update view
The Elm Architecture pattern is very promising. It produces type safe UIs that are highly composable. Performance should be great even for large UIs while at the same time being able to target multiple UI frameworks.

module List
from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
type List<'T> =
| ( [] )
| ( :: ) of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list
interface IReadOnlyList<'T>
interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T>
interface IEnumerable
interface IEnumerable<'T>
member GetSlice : startIndex:int option * endIndex:int option -> 'T list
member Head : 'T
member IsEmpty : bool
member Item : index:int -> 'T with get
member Length : int
member Tail : 'T list
val list : 'a list
type 'T list = List<'T>
module Event
from Microsoft.FSharp.Control
type 'msg Event = ('msg -> unit) ref ref
Message event used on the primitive UI components.
type Event<'Delegate,'Args (requires delegate and 'Delegate :> Delegate)> =
new : unit -> Event<'Delegate,'Args>
member Trigger : sender:obj * args:'Args -> unit
member Publish : IEvent<'Delegate,'Args>
new : unit -> Event<'Delegate,'Args>
val ref : value:'T -> 'T ref
type 'T ref = Ref<'T>
| Horizontal
| Vertical
Layout for a section of UI components.
| Text of string
| Input of string * string Event
| Button of string * unit Event
| Div of Layout * UI list
Primitive UI components.
val string : value:'T -> string
type string = System.String
| InsertUI of int list * UI
| UpdateUI of int list * UI
| ReplaceUI of int list * UI
| RemoveUI of int list
| EventUI of (unit -> unit)
UI component update and event redirection.
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)
type int = int32
type int<'Measure> = int
type UI =
| Text of string
| Input of string * string Event
| Button of string * unit Event
| Div of Layout * UI list
Primitive UI components.
type 'msg UI =
{UI: UI;
mutable Event: 'msg -> unit;}
UI component including a message event.
type UI =
| Text of string
| Input of string * string Event
| Button of string * unit Event
| Div of Layout * UI list
Primitive UI components.
type 'msg UI =
{UI: UI;
mutable Event: 'msg -> unit;}
UI component including a message event.
UI.Event: 'msg -> unit
module Event
from Microsoft.FSharp.Control
type 'msg Event = ('msg -> unit) ref ref
Message event used on the primitive UI components.
type Event<'Delegate,'Args (requires delegate and 'Delegate :> Delegate)> =
new : unit -> Event<'Delegate,'Args>
member Trigger : sender:obj * args:'Args -> unit
member Publish : IEvent<'Delegate,'Args>
new : unit -> Event<'Delegate,'Args>
{Model: 'model;
Update: 'msg -> 'model -> 'model;
View: 'model -> 'msg UI;}
UI application.
abstract member Send : UIUpdate list -> unit
Native UI interface.
type CompilationRepresentationAttribute =
inherit Attribute
new : flags:CompilationRepresentationFlags -> CompilationRepresentationAttribute
member Flags : CompilationRepresentationFlags
new : flags:CompilationRepresentationFlags -> CompilationRepresentationAttribute
| None = 0
| Static = 1
| Instance = 2
| ModuleSuffix = 4
| UseNullAsTrueValue = 8
| Event = 16
Memoize view generation from model object references.
type ConditionalWeakTable<'TKey,'TValue (requires reference type and reference type)> =
new : unit -> ConditionalWeakTable<'TKey, 'TValue>
member Add : key:'TKey * value:'TValue -> unit
member GetOrCreateValue : key:'TKey -> 'TValue
member GetValue : key:'TKey * createValueCallback:CreateValueCallback<'TKey, 'TValue> -> 'TValue
member Remove : key:'TKey -> bool
member TryGetValue : key:'TKey * value:'TValue -> bool
nested type CreateValueCallback
ConditionalWeakTable() : ConditionalWeakTable<'TKey,'TValue>
Returns a Text display UI component.
Returns a text Input UI component.
Returns a Button UI component.
Returns a section of UI components given a layout.
The name div comes from HTML and represents a division (or section) of the UI.
val list : 'a UI list
type 'T list = List<'T>
module List
from Main
module List
from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
type List<'T> =
| ( [] )
| ( :: ) of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list
interface IReadOnlyList<'T>
interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T>
interface IEnumerable
interface IEnumerable<'T>
member GetSlice : startIndex:int option * endIndex:int option -> 'T list
member Head : 'T
member IsEmpty : bool
member Item : index:int -> 'T with get
member Length : int
member Tail : 'T list
Returns a new UI component mapping the message event using the given function.
Returns a list of UI updates from two UI components.
from Microsoft.FSharp.Core
Returns a UI application from a UI model, update and view.
Runs a UI application given a native UI.
| Increment
| Decrement
module UI
from Main
type UI =
| Text of string
| Input of string * string Event
| Button of string * unit Event
| Div of Layout * UI list
Primitive UI components.
type 'msg UI =
{UI: UI;
mutable Event: 'msg -> unit;}
UI component including a message event.
{Top: Model;
Bottom: Model;}
from Main
| Reset
| Top of Msg
| Bottom of Msg
from Main
{Counters: Model list;}
| Insert
| Remove
| Modify of int * Msg