
07 Jul 2024
The happy state of property-based testing in C#

20 Feb 2024
High performance SIEVE LRU cache proved correct with CsCheck SampleModelBased and SampleConcurrent

01 Dec 2023
In Defence of Doubles

24 Nov 2023
Allocation Algorithms Revisited

13 Nov 2023
CsCheck 3.0.0 released

09 Oct 2023
Full precision floating-point summation in C#

31 Oct 2022
Balinski-Young weighted allocation algorithm

14 Sep 2022
A robust weighted allocation algorithm thanks to CsCheck

13 Mar 2022
Why should you use a random testing library in C#?

08 Mar 2022
Minimum Global

01 Nov 2021
Statistic Estimators

31 Oct 2021
An improved N-dimensional optimiser

03 Jun 2021
An improved root-finding method

28 Apr 2021
Bitemporal Source Generator Demo

07 Apr 2020
Median and MAD Revisited with an Online Estimator

18 Mar 2020
Integrated Random Testing

11 Oct 2019
Causal Profiling in .NET

17 May 2019
Fsion - 1. Size

17 May 2019
Fsion - 0. Introduction

29 Mar 2019
F# Implementation of Scala ZIO

14 Dec 2018
MapSlim - From DictionarySlim to Fsion

24 Aug 2018
DAG - An Immutable Spreadsheet Data Structure

05 Mar 2018
Rounding Algorithms from Property Based Testing

01 Feb 2018
Data-First Architecture

30 Dec 2017
.Net Core 2.0 Performance Notes Revisited

15 Aug 2017
.Net Core 2.0 vs Java Performance Notes

30 Apr 2017
Kicking the Debugger habit

28 Feb 2017
Choosing Simplicity - not the easy option

27 Nov 2016
Functional Event Sourcing meets The Elm Architecture

21 Oct 2016
Get MAD with Outliers with an Improved Median Function

09 Sep 2016
Managing Complexity - Or “Why do you code in F#?”

01 Jul 2016
F# Implementation of The Elm Architecture - Part 2

20 Jun 2016
F# Implementation of The Elm Architecture

20 May 2016
Modularity from Lazy Evaluation - Performance Testing

27 Apr 2016
Modularity from Lazy Evaluation - Richardson Extrapolation